

发布时间: 2024-05-17 13:20:38北京青年报社官方账号



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As a CPC member, Deng said he was unwilling to reap the benefits alone, so he offered to help his fellow villagers grow navel oranges. In 2016, he worked with the Party branch in the village to start an agricultural cooperative, which provides unified management, training, pest prevention, cheaper fertilizers and marketing for poverty-stricken families.


As early as Feb 3, senior health officials and experts from the 13 countries as well as representatives of the World Health Organization and the ASEAN Secretariat had held a videoconference on COVID-19. China and ASEAN countries also pledged to pull together to overcome difficulties at a special foreign ministers' meeting on the outbreak in Vientiane, Laos, on Feb 20.


As a key subsidiary of China Construction First Group Co Ltd, a central State-owned construction enterprise, the company has been adjusting its business layout proactively in the past few years to meet new development demands, and has made real estate and infrastructure the two cores of its business, supported by overseas business, and investment and financing.


As for what they want to obtain from their first jobs, 62.3 percent hoped that they could learn skills and accumulate experience, 50.8 percent wished to make friends with colleagues who have similar interests or hobbies and 47.5 percent want to grasp how to deal with people and things.


As a result of local government efforts to develop businesses, including Panxiu embroidery and tourism, the poverty headcount ratio fell from 14.1 percent in 2015 to 0.26 percent by the end of 2018.


